Web applications or web apps are interactive websites combined with server programming that provide extended functionality to the end user. Simply put, web apps are a client-server software application that the end user runs in a web browser.
The web has been embraced by millions of businesses as a cost effective channel to communicate information, both internally and externally, and produce transactions with customers. From the technical perspective, the web is a highly programmable atmosphere that allows for mass customization through the immediate deployment of a diverse range of applications to end users around the globe.
An emerging strategy for companies is to provide web access to software previously distributed as local software or mobile applications. Depending on the type of application, it may require the development of an entirely different browser-based framework and subsequent UI (user interface) or simply revamping an existing application with an up-to-date UI (user interface) or improved UX (user experience).
Web applications are becoming increasingly popular today due to the prevalence of web browsers. The efficiency of using a web browser as the medium to update and maintain web applications cannot be understated. An additional benefit is that web applications allow you to distribute usable software without the need to develop installers and troubleshoot different operating systems. They natively support cross-platform compatibility.
We are experts in both client side scripting, (code that is executed by web browsers) and server side scripting, (code that is executed by the web server). We are front end & back end engineers, featuring certifications in over a dozen languages and we utilize only the latest and most reliable frameworks.
Whether you need a custom solution built from scratch, update your existing web application or just a web portal or ecommerce solution we have the knowledge and personnel to deliver the results you want!
Contact Us
Email: sales@redmerconsulting.com
Call Us: (720) 772-6142